Skyscraper NOAH’S ARK

We can already now take the path of creation in the modern world.


Skyscraper NOAH’S ARK

At the moment, the creation of a fully ecological city to mankind is inaccessible. But We can already now take the path of its creation in the modern world.

Skyscraper project “NOAH’S ARK” the research center – reserve will be located in the most environmentally problematic regions of the world and large megacities. Skyscraper will be created to study and solve problems regional and global pollution.

Location: Dubai
Square meters:

1377 ft² / 125 m²




Skyscraper NOAH’S ARK

Modern technogenic civilization, in addition to increasing the degree of household comfort, has led to a rapid deterioration of the ecological situation in the world. Over time, the ecology, spoiled by civilization, can lead to catastrophic consequences.

  • Destruction of plant and animal species
  • Reduction of mineral resources
  • Problems of the World Ocean
  • Air pollution
  • The destruction of the ozone layer
  • Surface contamination and disfigurement of natural landscapes

It is necessary to solve environmental problems. Destruction and impoverishment of the gene fund l is the largest environmental problem in the world. Over the past 200 years, earthlings have lost 900,000 species of plants and animals. On the planet, forests are dying out massively. First, because of logging for the use of wood in production; secondly, because of the destruction of the normal habitat of plants. The main threat to trees and other forest plants is acid rain, which is due to the release of sulfur dioxide by power plants and industries.

Chemical pollution of the ocean is extremely dangerous, because it leads the impoverishment of water, food resources, disturbance of the oxygen balance in the atmosphere. Most of the wastewater flows directly into the water bodies without any cleaning or violation of its norms. Atmospheric pollution is a global phenomenon. And the release of harmful chemicals in one country can entail a total deterioration of the environment in another. Acid rain, appearing in the atmosphere, cause damage to the forest, comparable to logging.

Skyscraper concept

At the moment, the creation of a fully ecological city to mankind is inaccessible. But We can already now take the path of its creation in the modern world. Skyscraper project “NOAH’S ARK” the research center – reserve will be located in the most environmentally problematic regions of the world and large megacities. Skyscraper will be created to study and solve problems regional and global pollution.

World Map of pollution

Skyscraper NOAH’S ARK will consist of several levels, the first levels will be real reserves with pristine nature, each level with its microclimate and vegetation from different climatic regions, such as jungles, savanna, tropical and coniferous forests with complex landscapes. On which you can stroll enjoying the purest air and having aesthetic pleasure from the diversity of the world nature.
Special conditions will be created for the living and breeding of endangered species and those listed in the Red Book. From the technical side, NOAH’S ARK will bring huge benefits to the city, being a huge battery. Due to the large number of solar panels on the outer petals of the building, it accumulates solar energy and fully provides for both own needs, so partly needs the city.
The upper floors will occupy all sorts of research laboratories and presentation rooms, which will talk about the need to protect and preserve the environment and show the importance of each person in the chain of the universe. The annual sunshine which has a natural advantage in solar energy utilization.